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10 Tips for Helping Seasonal Allergies

According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 8% of American adults and over 7% of children experience seasonal allergies. While the cold winter months can provide relief, many allergy sufferers...
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Adult Braces 101: Everything You Need to Know

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, only 25% of orthodontic patients are adults. That said, this number is expected to grow, thanks to industry advancements and continuing education about the many benefits of adult...
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Sleepytime Supplements: Is Melatonin Safe for Children?

According to recent news reports, more and more parents are giving their kids melatonin supplements. Is this a safe way to combat sleep difficulties? And what are the long-term risks? Here's what every parent should know about melatonin...
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How to Reduce the Pain of Braces

Most people experience mild to moderate discomfort when they have their braces adjusted. Here are 6 tips for reducing your pain. 1) Use Oral Anesthetics The fastest way to get relief from braces pain is to apply a topical oral anesthetic...
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Is There a Connection Between Obesity and Dental Health?

You may already know that obesity can lead to a number of deadly health problems; but did you know it can also impact your dental health? Here's how your weight can affect your teeth and gums, along with some tips for adopting a healthier...
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The Origin and History of the Tooth Fairy

Like Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy is a cherished symbol of childhood. Unlike, many other heroes of folklore, however, the Tooth Fairy exists in some form across numerous religions, cultures and countries. Let's take a...
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White Spots on Teeth: Causes and Solutions

Healthy teeth are the key to a beautiful smile. In certain instances, however, people can develop discolorations that can make them feel self-conscious. Many times, these discolorations can appear as white blotches on the surface of teeth....
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10 Questions You Should Ask Your Dentist

It's important to communicate with your dentist to ensure a more personalized treatment plan. Here are ten questions you may want to ask your dentist at your next visit 1) How often should I get a checkup? Dental health varies from person...
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How to Tell if Your Child Needs Braces

Braces can be a godsend for children with crowding and alignment issues that often cause pain or embarrassment. But, how do you know if your child really needs orthodontic treatment? The following guide will tell you all about braces to...
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Guide to Pacifiers for Parents: A Dental Health Perspective

Countless parents use pacifiers to soothe and comfort fussy children. While common, this can actually pose risks to developing mouths. Here's what you should know about using pacifiers safely, along with some tips for weaning your child...
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