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Myths & Facts About Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening isn’t just for the rich and famous. These days, everyone seems to be seeking ways to make their teeth look whiter and brighter. Visit any grocery or drugstore and you will find shelves filled with tooth whitening products....
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Malocclusion Explained: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Orthodontic treatment is not only beneficial for straightening your teeth, but can also improve your overall oral health. Dental malocclusion, or crooked teeth, is caused by problems with the shape and size of your jaw or teeth. Left...
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What Actually Happens When You Don’t Floss Regularly

If you have trouble committing to a daily flossing routine, you aren't alone. According to surveys, nearly one-third of Americans don't floss regularly. Unfortunately, this puts them at a higher risk for tooth decay and periodontal...
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Dental Anxiety: Overcoming Your Fear of the Dentist

If you feel a little anxious about visiting the dentist, you are not alone. Research indicates that as much as 60% of the population has at least some anxiety about dental appointments. What’s more, experts say about 5% to 15% of people...
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Stress and Its Impact on Oral Health

Stress and Its Impact on Oral Health Stress is a powerful force that can leave our bodies vulnerable to all sorts of medical problems. Countless studies have shown that stress can increase a person’s risk of high blood pressure, heart...
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Everything You Should Know About Oral Cancer Screenings

Each year, there are nearly 50,000 new cases of oral cancer in the United States. Early intervention can have a significant impact on survival, but only when cancer is recognized before it spreads. Oral cancer screenings can give patients...
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9 Healthy Habits to Help Prevent Oral Cancer

According to The American Cancer Society, over 50,000 people develop some form of oral cancer each year. Oral cancer can be cured in approximately 80% of patients as long as it is detected early. To keep your mouth healthy, learn how to...
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6 Easy Ways to Boost Your Health This Spring

Are you ready for some spring cleaning? This season is a great time to clear out the clutter and create new healthy habits. Here are some tips for a healthy spring to help jump-start your warm-weather routine and improve your physical and...
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5 Fixes for Stained Teeth

Many things can promote teeth stains, including dark-pigmented foods and beverages, medications, trauma, aging and genetics. Depending on the cause and extent of the staining, dentists can use a variety of techniques to improve the...
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Is It Normal for Kids to Get Cavities?

In almost every instance, tooth decay is not normal. That said, it is common, especially among children. Here’s what you should know about your child’s dental health. Cavities in Kids Cavities are one of the most common chronic issues...
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