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Dental Sealants

Protect your teeth from decay with long-lasting dental sealants.

Cavity Prevention For All Ages

Dental sealants are thin, protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of your back teeth (molars and premolars). These clear or tooth-colored resin coatings act as a barrier, sealing off the deep grooves and pits where food particles and bacteria often get trapped, helping to prevent tooth decay. Dental sealants are particularly beneficial for children and teenagers, as these age groups are often more susceptible to cavities, but adults can benefit from sealants too. The primary advantage of dental sealants is their ability to significantly reduce the risk of cavities on treated teeth, often by up to 80%. This not only helps maintain your oral health but can also save you time and money on potential future dental treatments.

What To Expect

The dental sealant application process is quick, painless, and typically completed in a single visit. First, your dentist will thoroughly clean the teeth to be sealed, removing any plaque or food debris. The teeth are then dried, and an acidic gel is applied to roughen the tooth surface, which helps the sealant bond more effectively.

After a few seconds, the gel is rinsed off and the teeth are dried again. The liquid sealant is then carefully painted onto the tooth enamel, where it bonds directly to the tooth and hardens. Some dentists use a special blue light to help the sealant harden quickly. Once set, the sealant creates a smooth, protective layer over the tooth's grooves. The entire process usually takes only a few minutes per tooth.

After Care

One of the great advantages of dental sealants is that there's virtually no recovery period. You can eat, drink, and resume your normal activities immediately after the procedure. It's important to maintain good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing and flossing, to ensure the longevity of your sealants. While sealed teeth are protected, the rest of your mouth still needs proper care. Your dentist will check the condition of your sealants during routine dental visits and can reapply them if necessary, typically every few years. 

Are Sealants Right For Me?

Many children, and some adults, have difficulty getting their molars and premolars clean. This can result in decay, cavities, and high dental bills. A sealant can prevent this kind of damage, preserving dental health and reducing your costs. Your dentist can best determine if sealants are right for you based on your individual oral health needs and risk factors. Generally, sealants are a good option for:

  • Children and teenagers
  • Adults without decay or fillings in their molars
  • People with deep grooves or fissures in their teeth
  • Individuals prone to cavities or with a history of tooth decay
  • Those with difficulty maintaining good oral hygiene
  • Patients with medical conditions that increase cavity risk (e.g., dry mouth)
  • Individuals looking for extra protection against tooth decay

Enhance Your Smile

Schedule a consultation at Gentle Dental to explore options for enhancing your smile and improving your oral health.

Schedule An Appointment

Protect your smile with dental sealants - book your appointment today and take a proactive step towards long-term oral health.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do dental sealants last?

Dental sealants typically last for several years, often up to 10 years with proper care. Your dentist will check their condition during regular check-ups.

Are dental sealants safe?

Yes, dental sealants are safe. They've been used for decades and are approved by major dental associations worldwide.

Do dental sealants hurt?

No, the application of dental sealants is painless. You won't need any anesthesia or drilling.

Can adults get dental sealants?

Absolutely. While sealants are often recommended for children, adults can benefit from them too, especially if they're prone to cavities.

Will dental sealants make my teeth look different?

Dental sealants are clear or tooth-colored, so they're virtually invisible. Most people won't be able to tell you have them.

Can teeth with fillings get sealants?

Sealants are typically applied to decay-free teeth. However, if you have a small filling, a sealant might still be applied to the remaining healthy tooth surface.

How soon after getting sealants can I eat?

You can eat and drink normally immediately after getting dental sealants. There's no waiting period.

Do sealed teeth still need to be brushed?

Yes, it's crucial to continue brushing and flossing. Sealants protect the chewing surfaces, but the rest of the tooth still needs proper care.

Are dental sealants covered by insurance?

Many dental insurance plans cover sealants, especially for children. Check with your provider for specific coverage details.

Can sealants be removed if needed?

Yes, sealants can be safely removed by your dentist if necessary, though this is rarely needed.