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Different Types of Braces: Find Your Best Match

While few of us are born with perfect teeth, nearly everyone can get the smile they've always wanted with the help of modern braces. These days, there are a variety of braces available depending on the nature and severity of a dental...
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Braces Colors: How to Pick the Best Braces Color for Your Teeth

Modern braces are available in a vast array of colors that allow patients to personalize their treatments. With that said, there are some key considerations you should make before choosing a color for your braces. Here are some tips for...
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How to Find the Right Orthodontist for You

Modern orthodontics can correct alignment issues that negatively impact a person's bite and smile. But, how do you know where to go for professional orthodontic treatments? Here are some tips for choosing the right orthodontist for your...
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How a Healthy Nighttime Routine Helps Oral Health

Human beings are creatures of habit who need consistent routines to help them stay healthy. When it comes to protecting your oral health, a good nighttime routine can be the difference between tooth decay and a healthy smile. Here are some...
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How to Choose the Right Toothpaste for You

While all toothpastes are designed to clean your teeth, some are more effective than others. At the same time, some toothpastes have special formulations that help them strengthen enamel, eliminate stains and reduce tooth sensitivity. Here...
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5 Tools You Can Use at Home to Improve Your Smile

While everyone wants healthy teeth, most people are also concerned with the appearance of their smiles. Fortunately, you can enhance the look of your teeth at home with the following tools: Straws Certain beverages can slowly turn your...
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Questions You Should Ask Before Any Dental Procedure

You can take a more active role in your oral health by asking questions when you're at the dentist's office. Here are some things you should consider asking your dentist during your next appointment. What are my payment options? A good...
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How to Choose the Right Floss

It's important to regularly floss to eliminate cavity-causing plaque and food particles. But, how do you know which floss to choose? Here is your guide for choosing a floss that will help protect your oral health without hurting your gums.
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How to Fix a Gap in Your Teeth

No matter how well we take care of our teeth, we are ultimately at the mercy of our genetics. While this can leave many people susceptible to staining and tooth decay, it can leave others predisposed to alignment or development issues that...
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Sleep Apnea and Oral Health

Countless people suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a serious disorder which occurs when a person's regular breathing is interrupted during sleep. Here's how OSA can affect your oral health, along with some recommendations for...
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