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Pediatric Dental Care

At Gentle Dental, we truly go the extra mile to make your child's dental experience one to look forward to! Our team of pediatric dentists and specialized children’s orthodontists is dedicated to providing top-notch care that's gentle on your wallet.
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What Is Pediatric Dental Care?

Finding a qualified pediatric dentist for your child is key to ensuring your child's smile sparkles from an early age. Our team of experienced pediatric dentists are true smile guardians, dedicated to making every dental visit a delightful adventure for your little ones.

At Gentle Dental, we know that a child's dental experience can shape their lifelong attitudes toward oral health. That's why our offices are designed to be warm, welcoming spaces where kids can feel right at home. From child-friendly waiting areas to gentle, patient professionals, we've crafted an environment that puts even the most anxious young patients at ease. More than just treating tiny teeth, our pediatric specialists are experts at building trust and turning apprehensive frowns into bright, beaming grins. Trust your child's smile journey to Gentle Dental, where exceptional care meets unwavering compassion.

When Should A Child First Visit the Dentist?

Establishing good dental habits from an early age is essential for your child's overall health and development. We recommend scheduling your child's first dental visit by their first birthday or within six months after their first tooth erupts. These initial visits allow our pediatric dentists to monitor your little one's oral health and development while also helping them become comfortable in the dental environment.

Our Approach

From the moment you step into our kid-friendly offices, you'll be greeted by a team of experts who truly understand the unique needs and concerns of caring for childrens’ smiles. Once it's time for their visit, our pediatric dental team goes above and beyond to create a positive experience. From gentle chairside manners to age-appropriate language, we play to your child’s curiosity and help them learn about oral health. Our expertly trained staff will guide your child through their dental treatment with patience and compassion, taking the time to explain each step, answer any questions, and ensure your child feels safe and comfortable throughout their entire visit.

What To Expect

Once it's time for their visit, our pediatric dental team goes above and beyond to create a positive experience for your child. With gentle chairside manners, age-appropriate language, and a genuine passion for working with kids, our expertly trained staff will guide your child through their dental treatment with patience and compassion. We take the time to explain each step, answer any questions, and ensure your child feels safe and comfortable throughout their entire visit. 

The Importance Of Pediatric Dentistry

Many parents mistakenly believe dental checkups can wait until after their children develop adult teeth. Unfortunately, it’s quite common for young kids to experience a variety of dental issues that require attention from a pediatric dental professional.
Even at a young age, tooth decay can hamper palate development, while jaw alignment issues can make it hard for growing children to chew food. Congenital issues can also lead to serious developmental issues that can diminish life quality years down the line.

Even minor issues have the potential to affect speech development, negatively impacting school performance and increasing the risk of social difficulties.
Because early intervention can help prevent these issues, it’s important to have a trusted pediatric dentist who can treat your child at every stage of development. Even if your child appears to have healthy, normal teeth and gums, you should schedule routine examinations to catch underlying issues and protect your child’s long-term oral health.

Two female and one male dentist smiling

Enhance Your Smile

Schedule a consultation at Gentle Dental to explore options for enhancing your smile and improving your oral health.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I schedule my child's first dental visit?

We recommend scheduling your child's first dental visit by their first birthday or within six months after their first tooth erupts.

How often should children visit the dentist?

Children should visit the dentist every six months for routine cleanings and checkups to monitor their oral health and development.

What are dental sealants, and why are they important?

Dental sealants are thin protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of permanent back teeth to prevent cavities and decay. They act as a barrier against food particles and bacteria, protecting the vulnerable grooves and pits.

Why do children need fluoride treatments?

Fluoride treatments help strengthen and remineralize tooth enamel, making it more resistant to acid attacks that can cause cavities. They provide an extra layer of protection for developing teeth.

What is a space maintainer, and why is it necessary?

A space maintainer is a dental appliance used to preserve the space left by a prematurely lost baby tooth. It prevents the surrounding teeth from shifting and ensures proper spacing for the permanent tooth to erupt.

How do pediatric dental fillings differ from adult fillings?

Pediatric dental fillings are made from materials specifically designed for primary (baby) teeth. They are typically more malleable and less durable than adult fillings, as they only need to last until the baby tooth falls out.

When should my child start seeing an orthodontist?

We recommend that children have their first orthodontic evaluation by age 7 to identify any potential issues and determine the appropriate time for treatment.

How can I help my child feel more comfortable at the dentist?

Positive reinforcement, role-playing, and bringing a comfort item can help ease your child's anxiety. Our team is also trained in techniques to create a relaxing and enjoyable dental experience.

Are dental X-rays safe for children?

Yes, dental X-rays are safe and essential for monitoring your child's oral health and development. They use minimal radiation and follow strict guidelines to ensure safety.

What can I do to promote good oral health habits for my child?

Encourage proper brushing and flossing techniques, limit sugary snacks and drinks, and schedule regular dental visits. Positive reinforcement and leading by example can also help establish lifelong healthy habits.