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Teeth Whitening

Unlock your most radiant smile with professional teeth whitening from Gentle Dental. Our powerful whitening treatments can dramatically whiten and revitalize your teeth for a refreshed look that will have you smiling from ear to ear.
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What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

Tooth discoloration can occur for a variety of reasons. Over time, the porous outer enamel layer of teeth can become stained from foods, drinks, and behaviors like smoking or drinking coffee, tea, or red wine. Genetics and age also play a role, as some people simply have thinner enamel or are more prone to staining than others. 

Tooth discoloration is very common, but fortunately, it's also very treatable. Professional teeth whitening treatments use high-concentration peroxide gels to penetrate through the enamel and dentin and break up the compounds causing discoloration. These powerful whitening agents can remove set-in stains and brighten your smile by several shades. Gentle Dental offers both in-office whitening treatments and professional-grade take-home kits for more gradual whitening. While over-the-counter whitening products are available, professional-grade whitening from Gentle Dental is safer, faster, and provides more dramatic results.

What To Expect

When you come in for your professional teeth whitening treatment at Gentle Dental, we'll start by using a retractable device to keep your lips and gums protected from the powerful whitening gel. Next, your teeth will be cleaned to remove any plaque or debris so the whitening agent can fully penetrate the enamel. We'll carefully apply the prescription-strength whitening gel in an even coat across your teeth.

How Long Does A Teeth Whitening Treatment Take?

Depending on the system used, the gel may be activated by a special light or laser to accelerate the whitening process. You'll relax in the chair for 60-90 minutes as the gel works to lift deep stains and brighten your smile. When time is up, we'll remove the whitening gel and apply a desensitizing solution to reduce any tooth sensitivity after your treatment.

The Results

Professional dental whitening treatments can typically lighten teeth by 2 to 8 shades, depending on various factors. However, the exact results can vary. To preserve your bright new smile, we recommend avoiding staining agents like red wine, coffee, and tobacco. With proper care, a single professional whitening treatment can keep your smile radiant for 1-2 years before you may need a full whitening again.

Am I A Candidate For Teeth Whitening?

Many people seek professional teeth whitening to achieve a brighter smile. Professional whitening treatments use stronger, prescription-strength bleaching gels that can whiten teeth several shades beyond what over-the-counter whitening strips or gels can accomplish. Ideal candidates for teeth whitening include: 

  • People with stained or discolored teeth caused by dark beverages, smoking, aging, or certain medications
  • People who want faster, more dramatic whitening results than over-the-counter whitening products can provide
  • People with healthy teeth and gums with no current tooth decay or gum disease
  • People over age 16 whose adult teeth have fully developed and calcified
  • People who do not have tooth-colored dental restorations like veneers, crowns, bridges, etc. that would not whiten
  • People without major sensitivity issues who can tolerate the whitening agents used
  • People who follow good oral hygiene habits to prolong whitening results
Group of dentists

Enhance Your Smile

Schedule a consultation at Gentle Dental to explore options for enhancing your smile and improving your oral health.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does professional teeth whitening work?

Professional whitening uses high-concentration peroxide gels to penetrate the tooth enamel and dentin to eliminate deep-set stains and discoloration. The gel is activated by heat or laser light during an in-office treatment to accelerate and maximize the whitening process.

How long does professional teeth whitening take?

An in-office whitening treatment at Gentle Dental usually takes 60-90 minutes to complete. 

Is professional teeth whitening safe?

Yes, when performed by a licensed professional following proper protocols, whitening treatments are extremely safe for your teeth and gums. 

How long do results last?

With good oral hygiene habits and avoiding staining foods and drinks, the results of a single professional whitening treatment can last 1-2 years before you may need a touchup.

Does it cause increased sensitivity?

Some temporary sensitivity to hot, cold, or acidic items right after whitening is normal. This usually goes away within a few days. Anti-sensitivity products can help minimize any discomfort.

Will it whiten my crowns/veneers too?

No, professional whitening only works on natural tooth enamel. Any crowns, veneers, or other restorations may need to be replaced to match your newly whitened teeth.

How does it compare to over-the-counter whitening?

Professional whitening uses much stronger bleaching gels and methods to whiten teeth several shades beyond what OTC strips or rinses can achieve.

Is everyone a candidate for whitening?

Most people with generally good dental health can safely get their teeth whitened professionally. Those with gum disease or tooth decay may need treatment first.

How do I maintain my whiter smile?

Avoid staining foods/drinks, keep up good oral hygiene habits, use provided whitening trays/gels for touch-ups every 4-6 months, and get re-treated as recommended.