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Cavity Treatments

With a gentle, compassionate approach and a comprehensive array of advanced cavity treatments, Gentle Dental offers restorative solutions to effectively preserve your natural teeth.
Endodontists (1)

What Is A Cavity?

A cavity is a permanently damaged area of the hard surface of a tooth that develops into a hole or opening. Cavities are caused by a combination of factors that lead to tooth decay, such as bacteria in the mouth, poor oral hygiene habits, and frequent snacking on sugary or acidic foods and drinks. Some individuals may also be more susceptible due to tooth enamel deficiencies, inadequate saliva production, misaligned teeth that are harder to clean, and worn fillings that create plaque traps. 

Treating cavities promptly helps relieve any pain or sensitivity, prevent further decay that can lead to tooth loss, and preserve your natural teeth for years to come. Gentle Dental's restorative solutions not only repair damage but can renew the appearance of your smile with natural-looking, metal-free fillings or crowns. Our gentle technique aims to keep you comfortable throughout the process. 

What Can We Help You With Today?

Our Approach

Cavity repair treatment at Gentle Dental starts with a thorough examination using advanced imaging technology to detect even the smallest areas of tooth decay. Depending on the extent of the cavity, treatment may involve removing the decayed portion of the tooth and filling it with a tooth-colored composite resin material. For larger cavities, a crown or cap may be recommended to restore the tooth's structure and function.

What To Expect

During a cavity treatment, your dentist will first numb the area to ensure you're comfortable throughout the procedure. They'll then gently remove the decayed part of your tooth using special tools, cleaning out the cavity to prepare it for filling. Finally, your dentist will fill the cleaned cavity with a durable material, restoring the tooth's shape and function, and you'll be able to eat and drink normally once the numbness wears off.

After The Procedure

After getting a cavity filled, the numbness will gradually wear off over the next few hours. You'll be able to eat normally but should avoid extremely hot or cold foods until the area is no longer sensitive. Be sure to practice good oral hygiene, flossing carefully around your new filling or crown. Any residual discomfort can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication.

Do I Need Cavity Treatment?

It's important to visit the dentist as soon as possible if you experience any signs of a cavity, such as a visible hole or pit in your tooth, tooth pain or sensitivity, or a brown, black, or white stained area on a tooth's surface. The earlier a cavity is treated, the easier and less invasive the treatment will be. Catching cavities in their earliest stages when they are just small areas of demineralized enamel allows your dentist to reverse the decay process. This prevents the need for a filling and preserves more of your natural tooth structure.

Delaying treatment for an existing cavity allows more time for decay to spread, requiring more extensive drilling to remove decayed areas before filling the tooth. If decay reaches the inner part of the tooth, a root canal may become necessary. Untreated cavities can eventually lead to infections, abscesses, and potential tooth loss if decay penetrates too far into the tooth. Early treatment stops pain, prevents further damage, and is more affordable than dealing with larger areas of decay.


Enhance Your Smile

Schedule a consultation at Gentle Dental to explore options for enhancing your smile and improving your oral health.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to get a cavity filled?

The time it takes can vary based on the size and location of the cavity, but basic fillings generally take 30-60 minutes from start to finish. More extensive fillings or crowns may require a longer appointment.

Will getting a cavity filled hurt?

No, you should not feel any pain during the filling process. The area will be completely numbed with a local anesthetic before your dentist begins working on the tooth.

How long do fillings last?

With proper oral hygiene and preventive care, tooth-colored composite fillings can last 5-10 years on average before needing to be replaced. Factors like grinding teeth can cause fillings to wear out sooner.

Is it better to get a filling or crown for a cavity?

Fillings are used for smaller cavities, while crowns are needed for larger areas of decay or cavities that affect a significant portion of the tooth. Your dentist will recommend the best option based on the size and location.

Can cavities be prevented?

Yes, cavities are preventable through good oral hygiene habits like brushing twice daily, flossing, using fluoride products, and limiting sugary foods and drinks. Regular dental cleanings also help remove plaque buildup.

Are white/tooth-colored fillings better than metal fillings?

Tooth-colored fillings are considered better as they are made of a composite resin that blends in with your natural teeth. Metal fillings can cause graey lines at the gumline over time.

How soon after getting a filling can I eat or drink?

Once the numbing wears off, you can typically resume normal eating and drinking within a few hours, but initially, avoid very hot or cold foods that may cause sensitivity.

Is laughing gas (nitrous oxide) available for cavity fillings?

Yes, many dental offices like Gentle Dental offer nitrous oxide or other sedation options to help anxious patients relax during procedures like fillings.

How quickly do cavities need to be filled?

It's best to have cavities filled as soon as possible to prevent further decay and more extensive damage that would require a larger filling or root canal.