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TMJ and Braces: What You Need to Know

Temporomandibular joint disorder, commonly referred to as TMD or TMJ, affects countless people who often suffer from headaches, jaw pain and chewing difficulties. In some instances, orthodontic treatments can be used to reduce or eliminate...
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Why Elderly People Need a Dentist Specializing in Geriatric Dentistry

Increased life expectancies have caused an explosion of the aging population that is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. This has fueled a rising demand for geriatric dentistry performed by specialized dentists who are...
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Dental X-rays: 7 of Your Top Questions, Answered!

Also known as radiographs, dental X-rays are a critical part of just about every dental care treatment plan. X-rays help dentists diagnose existing issues and identify potential problems before they get worse. What Are the Different Types...
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Diabetes and Oral Health: Why You’re More Prone to Periodontal Problems

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 29 million Americans suffer from diabetes. Unfortunately, this means that approximately 9 percent of the U.S. population is at risk of developing several related health...
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4 Harmful Consequences of Nail Biting and How to Stop

Most people regard nail-biting as a harmless habit. In reality, it can pose troubling risks that extend well beyond your manicure. If you have a nail-biting habit, learn why you should seriously commit to quitting. What Happens When You...
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4 Reasons Why A Child's Permanent Teeth Haven't Come In

Most parents regard a lost baby tooth as a considerable milestone for their children. Unfortunately, this excitement can turn to worry, when permanent teeth do not erupt as they should. If your child’s permanent teeth are not coming in,...
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What Is a Periodontist and Signs You Should See One

Periodontists specialize in treating specific oral health issues that can lead to debilitating dental problems. To determine whether you need to see one, consider the following. What Is a Periodontist? According to the ADA, the ...
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Understanding the Mouth's Anatomy

While most of us give it little thought, the mouth is a complex structure with many features that work in seamless concert. The following guide on mouth anatomy will give you fascinating insight into how you are able to do so much with...
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10 Damaging Effects of Poor Dental Hygiene

While most people understand that poor dental hygiene can lead to cavities and gum disease, many are unaware of how unhealthy teeth and gums can indirectly promote other medical problems throughout the body. If you haven't been...
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Abscessed Tooth: Symptoms, Treatment, Remedies

Dental abscesses are serious complications that occur when oral infections are left untreated. Here's what you should know about abscessed teeth, along with some tips on prevention. What is an Abscessed Tooth? An abscessed tooth is the...
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