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What You Should Know About Natural and Organic Toothpaste

Natural toothpaste has become popular among certain people who seek to avoid chemicals and additives that could negatively impact their health. Here's what you should know about natural and organic toothpaste, along with some advice for...
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Top Types of Floss: Pros and Cons

Flossing is an important part of good dental hygiene. These days, there are a variety of flossing options available to make the process easier and more comfortable. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of the most common types of...
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What is a Waterpik and How Do You Use it?

Waterpiks are popular among many people who view them as a convenient way to keep their teeth clean and healthy. While they do offer several noteworthy benefits, waterpiks aren't miracle-workers. Here's what you should know about...
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What to do When You Bite Your Tongue or Lip

Most of us have bitten our tongue, lip or cheek at some point. While it can be annoying and painful, this rarely results in serious issues. Sometimes, however, an accidental bite can be serious, especially if it occurs as a result of a...
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Kratom Effects: Uses, Safety, and Legality

Indigenous to Southeast Asia, Kratom is a plant known for having psychotropic effects and opioid-like pain-relieving qualities. Natives have long used the plant to treat cough, pain, diarrhea and fatigue. In recent years, people in the...
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Airfloss vs. Waterpik – Everything You Need to Know

Mechanical interdental devices have become popular among many people who view them as convenient supplements to their brushing routines. Among the most popular of these devices include the Sonicare Air Floss and WaterPik Water Flosser....
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Waterpiks vs. Flossing: Which is Better?

Flossing is an important part of a complete dental hygiene plan designed to reduce the risk of cavities and periodontal disease. Unfortunately, many people fail to floss on a regular basis. Waterpiks are popular alternatives for some...
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4 Tips for Flossing with Braces

Many people have difficulty flossing on a regular basis. This challenge becomes even harder when they have braces. Orthodontic care can help provide straight, attractive smiles; but it takes a strong commitment to make sure teeth stay...
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How Quickly Do Braces Work?

Braces have the power to correct alignment issues and enhance the appearance of crooked smiles. Unfortunately, they don't work overnight. Here's your guide to understanding how long it will take for your braces to work, along with some...
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Which Braces are Right for Me?

These days, patients have diverse options when it comes to choosing braces for their teeth. With so many choices, however, it's not always easy to make a decision. Different types of braces work at different rates and have different...
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