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Bleeding Gums: What’s Normal and What to Worry About

Do you see some pink in your sink after brushing or flossing? It's not uncommon for gums to bleed, especially if you've brushed a little too vigorously or begun a new flossing routine. In certain instances, however, bleeding gums can be a...
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4 Ways to Ease Sensitive Teeth

According to research, one in eight Americans suffer from tooth sensitivity. That amounts to millions of people who struggle with daily discomfort and dietary restrictions. If you have sensitive teeth, the following tips may be able to...
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Are Artificial Sweeteners Good for Your Teeth?

Artificial sweeteners are marketed as healthier alternatives to sugar. But are they really that much better for your teeth? Here's what you should know about these common food additives, along with some tips for preserving your dental...
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5 Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Usually caused by oral bacteria, bad breath (halitosis) is a problem for countless people. Here's how you can combat this common issue using home remedies backed by scientific research. Green tea: Made from the Camellia sinensis plant,...
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How to Avoid Cavities This Year

This year will no doubt bring gatherings with lots of delicious food. Unfortunately, all the overindulging can wreak havoc on our teeth and waistlines. This year, protect your dental health with these proactive tips for avoiding cavities.
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Does the HPV Vaccine Prevent Oral Cancer?

We know the HPV vaccine can help prevent cervical cancer, but can it also prevent cancers of the throat and mouth? Here's what you should know about the HPV vaccine. What Is the HPV Vaccine? The most common sexually transmitted infection...
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7 Simple Swaps for Sweet Tooth Cravings

Sweets always bring temptation in the form of decadent desserts and sugary sweets. Preserve your waistline and protect your dental health by swapping traditional favorites with these healthier options. Gingersnaps instead of bread pudding
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Is it Safe to Whiten Your Teeth Regularly?

Countless people use whitening products to reduce or eliminate tooth stains and discoloration. But are these products effective; and is it safe to use them regularly? Here's what you should know about using professional and...
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The Top 3 Benefits of Bone Grafting with Extractions

Just like other parts of your body, your jaw bone is made of living cells that constantly grow and change. When you lose a tooth, it can cause your jaw to lose its structural integrity due to bone resorption. Bone grafts can help prevent...
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Bruxism: What Grinding Your Teeth Says About Your Health

Bruxism is a condition in which people gnash, grind or clench their teeth. When someone has bruxism, they may unconsciously clench their teeth while awake. More commonly, however, people develop night bruxism, where they clench or grind...
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