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Gentle Dental

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Everything You Need to Know About Dental Implants

Missing, misshapen, or severely damaged teeth can be a source of frustration for many people. Not only can gaps in your smile affect the way you look and feel, they can also have an impact on your overall oral health. While there are...
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Braces 101: The Complete Guide to Braces

While there’s nothing unusual about getting braces these days, many people still have a lot of questions about the process. Since orthodontic care is often a major investment for individuals and families, it pays to educate yourself about...
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Foods You Should Eat to Keep Teeth Healthy

Americans have become more aware of good nutrition over the past few decades. Eating healthy not only helps you maintain a healthy weight, but it also supports a strong immune system, builds healthy bones, and helps prevent premature aging.
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12 Factors Impacting Dental Health

While you probably know about the importance of brushing and flossing, and the fact that coffee can stain teeth, you may not be aware that there are many foods, physical conditions, and lifestyle choices that can have a significant impact...
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15 Easy Ways to Prevent Cavities

After your adult teeth come in, that's it. These are the teeth that you will have for the rest of your life. Unfortunately, plaque can lead to tooth decay and the formation of cavities. Nobody likes having to get a filling, and cavities in...
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A Complete Guide to Teeth Cleaning

Oral health is often neglected here in the United States and elsewhere. This is unfortunate, as evidence connects oral health to overall physical health, wellness, and longevity. In fact, one of the easiest, and least expensive things you...
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