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Top Reasons Why You Should Be Brushing Your Tongue

We all know good dental hygiene is the fundamental key to preserving our oral health. If you brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once, you're much less likely to develop cavities and periodontal disease. That said, if you're...
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How to Choose the Best Toothbrush for You and Your Family

Proper dental hygiene is essential for preventing tooth decay and periodontal disease. To keep your teeth and gums healthy, it's important to brush twice every day. But, what type of toothbrush is best? Here's how you can select the ideal...
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Everything You Ever Wondered About Lasers, Teeth, and the Dentist

Laser surgery is an innovative and effective solution for treating common oral and dental issues. Here's how modern dental professionals use lasers to create a safer more comfortable experience for patients. Lasers in Dentistry Modern...
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5 Ways to Fix Your Chipped Tooth & What Your Dentist Will Do

Although tooth enamel is the hardest tissue in the entire body, it isn’t indestructible. It’s quite common for people to experience chipped or cracked teeth after biting down on a chunk of ice, an almond or some other hard piece of food....
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Thanksgiving Pies: Best and Worst for Teeth

As Thanksgiving approaches, Americans turn their attention toward family gatherings and festive events. A big part of this focus centers on holiday meals, which include delectable pies that can expand our waistlines. At the same time,...
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9 Reasons for Choosing Ceramic Crowns

Crowns are effective solutions for strengthening damaged teeth and enhancing the appearance of your smile. Although they can be crafted from a variety of materials, all-ceramic crowns come with some very appealing advantages, including: ...
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How Oral Care is Linked to Your Migraines

According to experts, more than 38 million Americans suffer from migraines, while countless others experience chronic tension headaches that seriously affect the quality of their lives. While the causes of these issues can vary depending...
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8 TMJ Exercises to Relieve Your Pain

Commonly called TMJ or TMJ disorder, temporomandibular disorder or TMD is a painful issue affecting countless Americans. If you suffer from this frustrating affliction, you may be able to reduce your symptoms by performing some of the...
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Taking Advantage of Dental Insurance: When does your Insurance Renew?

Autumn is here, and there are only a few months left in the year. With this in mind, it's important to take advantage of your remaining dental benefits before they expire. Here's how you can maximize your dental coverage to keep your smile...
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What Is Periodontics? Everything You Need to Know

When most people think about oral health, they fixate on their teeth. In reality, there are a number of different things that can affect a person's smile and jaw function. Periodontics addresses a few of these elements, while providing...
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