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What to Know About Gum Therapy for Your Teeth

Although gum therapy might sound like something you get after an especially sticky or sugary meal; it's actually a professional procedure performed by a dental hygienist. Here's what goes into gum therapy, along with information on why you...
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Your Guide to Understanding Nutrition Labels

Nutrition labels can help us identify nutrient-dense foods and make healthier eating choices. Unfortunately, many people get confused by the way some manufacturers label their food and beverage products. Here's your guide to understanding...
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Dental Fillings – Everything You Need to Know

When teeth are damaged due to injury or decay, dentists can often restore shape and function by providing dental fillings. Here's what you should know about this common dental procedure, along with all the different options for effectively...
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Dry Mouth: Causes, Side Effects, and Symptoms

Also known as xerostomia, dry mouth refers to a condition where the body's salivary glands fail to produce enough saliva to thoroughly moisten the mouth. The condition can have a number of different causes, including natural aging and...
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Why You Should Share Your Medical History with Your Dentist

Everything we ingest — including herbs and vitamins — leads to a reaction within the body. To protect against potentially dangerous problems during dental treatments, it's important for your dentist to know about your entire medical...
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Acid Reflux: How Your Dentist Will Notice and How to Prevent It

Most people experience heartburn from time to time. Unfortunately, when heartburn occurs frequently, it could be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. If you suffer from symptoms of GERD, it's important to talk to your dentist...
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The Complete Steps Your Oral Health Care Routine Should Include

So much of our health depends on developing good daily habits. To preserve your oral health, it's important to establish strict routines that keep your teeth and gums healthy and clean. Here is a complete step-by-step routine to help keep...
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How Oral Health Can Impact Your Body

Our mouths play host to billions of microscopic microorganisms, which form a symbiotic relationship that can harm or protect our oral health. At the same time, a growing body of evidence has shown that these bacteria can also influence the...
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Ensuring Great Oral Health on a Vegetarian Diet

While they can lead to overall health benefits, vegetarian diets can sometimes cause nutritional deficiencies that can result in specific health issues. Here's how your vegetarian diet could be harming your oral health, along with some...
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Everything You’ve Ever Wondered About the Latest Diets

Are you confused by the incredible number of fad diets that seem to pop up every day? Here's what you should know about some of the trendiest diets, along with details about how they might affect your teeth and overall health. Ketogenic...
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